Causes and Treatment of Swelling After Botox
Botox treatment is safe and has no reported severe complication reported after the procedure. This does not however signify it is never...

How to reduce swelling after Botox
Botox is also called as a lunchtime procedure because it usually takes less than 20 minutes and needs little to no downtime later. That...

What Should You Do Before Having an Anti-wrinkle Treatment?
Anti-wrinkle treatments like Botox is one of the most popular age correcting treatments around the globe for its positive and immediate...

Must Know Tips for Botox Aftercare
Botox is a safe procedure which has a minimal impact on usual activity on the day of treatment. Tiny injections are given to relax the...

What are the Common Side-effects of the Botox Treatment?
The major symptoms of botox treatment such as redness, swelling and bruising can be countered with smart and effective botox aftercare treat

4 Tips to Counter the Side Effects Of Botox
Botox, the cosmetic procedure once parodied by late night talk show hosts and stand up comedians, has now gone mainstream. Beautiful celebri

What Should You Do Before Having an Anti-wrinkle Treatment?
Anti-wrinkle treatments like Botox is one of the most popular age correcting treatments around the globe for its positive and immediate...