How to prevent bruising after Botox?
Botox treatments have become very popular as most people are currently working to keep up with facial aging. This type of treatment is...

3 Ways Dermal Fillers Can Rejuvenate Your Youthful Smile & Look
When you look at the mirror, you may be surprised at who you are seeing and wondering where the beautiful lady that usually stares back...

Causes and Treatment of Swelling After Botox
Botox treatment is safe and has no reported severe complication reported after the procedure. This does not however signify it is never...

Botox aftercare & what you should avoid
Just as in other medical treatment, what you do after the session is as important as during the session. Aftercare is a very important...

What is Botox?
Botox is a substance injected into the skin which prevents muscle movement, blocking wrinkles from appearing and even getting worse.

These tips can prevent Swelling After Dermal Fillers treatment
Dermal fillers are a fantastic and safe treatment of adding volume to hollow cheekbones and filling out depressions in the eye area to...

Proboxin cream effectiveness in treating your bruises
Many people are now deciding on the use of dermal fillers to help them restore their youthful look and smile. Dermal fillers procedure is...

Want to Prevent Bruising after Botox ?
The rate of the reported bruise from a physician’s client is one of the criteria potential patients are now using to decide which expert...

What are the common side-effects of Botox?
You might have read about Botox treatment in advertisements, fashion blogs and celebrity gossip magazines, or heard about it from your...

Must Know Side-effects of Botox Treatment
You might have read about the Botox and dermal fillers in many TV advertisements, fashion blogs and celebrity gossip magazines. Or you...